The Streak

454 days… the streak is over :(

At the start of 2023 I committed to running a minimum of 1 mile, every day for the whole year. I accomplished that and some…

The Stats

Streak Length = 454 days

Distance Covered = 1,535 miles

Distance Covered per Day = 3.38 miles

Highest Mileage Month = Aug 2023, 120 miles

Highest Mileage Week = Mar 18 - Mar 24, 2024, 34.6 miles

Longest Run = Sep 9, 2023, 15.5 miles

Average Pace = ~11:00 min/mile

Total Time Spent Running = 17,036 min or 283.9 hrs or 11.83 days

So, why did the streak end?

It was a combination of factors, but first and foremost I believe I injured my posterior tibial tendon in my left ankle. How did I injure this tendon? Right now, I’m chalking it up to two back-to-back runs: a 9-mile trail run I did in trail shoes when I wasn’t used to them, then a 6-mile higher intensity interval workout I did the next day where I pushed through some post tib pain that cropped up. It took me another week to admit defeat, but those runs were the beginning of the end.

To get more specific, I believe the cause was a combination of overuse and increased loading. In the past month I’ve started to train for a 5k by adding in interval training at the track once per week. I don’t think this was a mistake, I believe it’s probably necessary for me to evolve as a runner. The mistake was doing the interval training after a long trail run. This definitely stemmed from overconfidence in my running ability. When you’ve run 454 days straight and have been completely healthy the whole time, you kind of forget what it’s like to be injured.

What did I learn from running every day?

Smart goal setting is extremely important.

In 2023, my long-term goals of running every day, a minimum of 1 mile, for a total of 1,000 miles were crystal-clear and easy to track against.

I need consistency in my fitness routine.

Running every day is incredibly easy for me mentally. It takes all the guess work and excuses who can form in your head and throws them out the window.

Running slow is refreshing.

2023 was the year I learned about heart-rate training. In 2022, I got into trail running and was already starting to care less about pace. Heart-rate training then provided more context and direction. I think Zone-2 runs will always be a part of my fitness repertoire going forward.

Early morning runs are a fantastic way to start the day.

I often miss running in the sunshine, but the mornings are so peaceful. This one definitely ties into consistency and that refreshing feeling.

I want to keep doing this.

Late 2022 I was having doubts about continuing to run. Now on the other side of this streak, I just want to get back to it. I don’t know if I’ll ever focus on a streak again, but I’m definitely going to keep running daily.

Thank You

Selena (my wife)
Those 11.83 days I spent running over the course of the streak was time I got to commit to myself. That was thanks to Selena, who for much of that time was pregnant and watching a toddler. I’m lucky to have such a capable partner and someone who supports my activities even when it’s not the most convenient.

Julia (my sister-in-law)
I’m also lucky to have such a great running partner. I love running as a solitary, meditative activity, but I always look forward to getting to run together. I appreciate your carefree attitude, always willing to keep running even though you have no idea where you are. Also, I’m really glad we finally ran that 25k trail challenge together.

CJ (structural integrator)
CJ started me down the path I’m on today in many ways. His advice to work on foot strength and mobility to help my once pain-ridden feet has changed my world. At one point not long ago, I feared standing on my two feet for more than five minutes. Now, what was once a weakness, I consider a strength. I’d approximate that 1,400 of the 1,535 miles were ran in these:

3 mm, leather huarache-style running sandals. My feet have never felt better than in the last year.

Christian (friend and trail running expert)
Thanks for the inspiration! Trail running has been a wonderful revelation for you and me both I think.

What’s Next?

First things first is to get healthy again. And more importantly, use the injury as constructive criticism. My main focus is going to shift slightly toward applying this consistency principle I discovered in running to daily calisthenics. I’ve already informally started this journey. Since the start of 2024 I’ve been building out my daily routine alongside running, but there were definitely holes. My strategy going forward will be to alternate emphasis on a daily basis. For instance, Monday would be a 20 min run then 40 min of a calisthenics routine, Tuesday would be a 50 min run then 10 min of focusing one skill, and then flip-flop for the rest of the week. We’ll see how it goes.

Thanks for reading :)

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