Super Auto Pets

My First Auto Battler

Super Auto Pets

Game Information

Game Name: Super Auto Pets
Platform(s): PC, Linux, Browser, Android
Developer(s): Team Wood Games
Publisher(s): Team Wood Games
Genres: Auto-Battler
First Release Date: September 24, 2021
Last Update Date: February 3, 2021
Description: Build the strongest team of pets and tussle with your friends!

Review Notes

  • The game is free and has in-game monetization where you can for pet packs or cosmetics. Overall, the experience is very free-to-play friendly. Cosmetics are very easily obtainable, and the weekly arena (the best game mode) is free.

Asynchronous Multiplayer?

Super Auto Pets is my first foray into a game with asynchronous multiplayer of this type. It’s not a board game type-asynchronous where one player takes their turn then the next player can take their turn at their leisure. It’s more of a game where the opposition is generated by other players. You take command of a team of adorable pets where the goal is to run the gauntlet and defeat 10 opposing teams designed by other players. The concept I can’t get out of my head right now is, imagine if every enemy spaceship in FTL was designed by a real person who was also playing the game. Holy shit, that version of FTL would be impossible. But that’s what Super Auto Pets kind of is. At its core Super Auto Pets is an unpredictable whirlwind thanks to the expansive diversity of player generated team compositions.

The “auto battle” phase.

The Anti-S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Experience

If you’ve read anything else I’ve written, you’ll probably know I’m a huge fan of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series, several of the Resident Evils, and in general games with a strong atmosphere and gameplay where realism is used in tactful, creative ways. Super Auto Pets is so far removed from these games as a cutesy, auto battler that I really doubted if I would stick with it at all. However, what I found was that the gameplay reminded me of my love for Slay the Spire. To me, Slay the Spire is a near perfect game. It is the ultimate strategy, roguelike, deckbuilder. Why do I love it? Well, the Spire is an incredibly tight experience that delivers interesting decision after interesting decision to the player. The combat is great, but the constant stream of important out-of-combat decisions the player is faced makes the experience always engaging. And that’s just what Super Auto Pets offers. Between combat, there’s a shop where you can purchase new pets and food (buffs) and this where a run is either won or lost. Although the theme is not in my wheelhouse, that just melts away as the gameplay mechanics shine through. I will commend the developers for making it a very chill environment though. There’s no time pressure, so you can just ponder your next move or get up and take care of something else and leave the game idle for a bit, very cool.

The shop phase.

Important Note for New Players

Super Auto Pets has a massive roster of pets that are split into packs. Which pack you pick will determine the select roster of pets that will appear in the arena mode. For the first couple hours I played, I used the standard pack, and the experience was quite mixed. I grew frustrated with the opposing teams I was encountering. There was definitely an established meta and as a new player it was annoying to constantly get beaten by similar teams anytime your own started to gain traction. What’s the solution? Well, once you’ve got the basics down, move to the weekly pack. This pack is a randomly generated roster of pets put out every week. The result is a ton of variety in opposing team compositions and for me a constant learning experience as some pets will be familiar and others will be new!



Super Auto Pets delivers on the commitment of a chill auto battler. I found it has just the right mix of strategy and randomization to keep things engaging and entertaining. The randomized weekly pet pack is a perfect mode that keeps the whole player base on their toes. As long as you’re not too obsessed with optimal strategies and don’t take a run of bad luck too seriously, Super Auto Pets might be up your alley.

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